Wednesday, October 29, 2008

New topic

Everytime I think I want to write I do not have enough time on hand and when I do I do not have any topic in mind!!

Tragedy!..So I thought will just list down a few things that I had been thinking about.

some random things...Lemon crackle cake from merwan's..cnt forget it, got it for pa's birthday...he liked it and I did something like this surprised me!

I am over Archana...I like it!

I want to go to Singapore now...for studies...

I celebrated Diwali all alone this time..

I wrote a poem for her and gave it to her as well but with no feelings..

This is for now, later may be when I go back home.
Oh yea, I had planned to celebrate diwali differently this time but could not do it.

I plan to buy a home theatre system or a DVD player for home as a diwali gift. Let's see if i do it or not.

this is it for now. more later