Monday, November 12, 2007

In the making

In the making is a bundle of joy,
In the making is a precious toy.

It took a while coming,
but when it did, took us all by surprise.
Some were shocked, some were plain happy,
and there were some who jumped in delight
& there I was, who couldn't even be part of it!

But am still elated, at the thought of being promoted.
An added responsibility for you two,
Be rest assured we will be there too.

Let the feeling sink in
& give us some time
To begin the celebrations
the joy & the shine.

Let me end on this happy note
& pray good things for you both.

coz in the making is OUR bundle of joy,
In the making is OUR precious toy!!

This one's dedicated to my sister and my jiajji for obvious reasons.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said.