Friday, February 08, 2008

How long?

That is indeed a question that is not just in my mind but has been put in the mind's of some of my close ones.

before you jump to other conclusions let me clear it right away. i am talking about my work and study. Should i quit this job after a year and go try out some other media as my initial plan was and then work for another year and then plan my further studies or...the big OR !!...or...leave the job and look for courses India or abroad!!..

The dilemma doesn't end there..if abroad then where.UK..USA..Australia..all look quite tempting..and if quite to try out some other media then which one?..Radio..Production..Channel...what to do !!! one but I is the only one who can help me get out of this!

It is this 'Stuff' that i keep talking about!!....n lots more..

This how long can be actually used for a lot of my worries and fun aspects!!..hehehe

getting more ideas ...but I dn't wanna ruin my weekend n am leaving office now...!

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