Wednesday, April 09, 2008


there is no topic in my mind at the moment but i still want to write.
i want to update my blog with something.

for starters, i have a dilemma which i want to get out of. whether to stay here or move out. try out the new path or stay here and explore more avenues.

bigger question remains, study or work? to convince dad about studying later and working now.

the whole thing about me and her. is it just friendship that she wants or is she really confused. may be it is just me who is thinking of love and at her end she has actually come to terms with the fact that nothing can and will happen between us.

what is my calling? where does my future lie. will i ever be able to start something of my own?
can i write all my life, do i want to?

is cricket is something i want ot get into in a deeper way? is there more to me than this creative skill.
what am i cut out for? how do i find out?

this is enough for the time being, later hopefully shall return with a good topic in mind.

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